Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Dream ticket

After yesterdays primaries, its tough to say who the momentum is with. While Obama claims the tide is with him, Clinton points to the startling statistic of her finding favor with more than 70% of the last minute voters. While Clinton in some breakfast shows, has hinted at the possibilty of a dream ticket, where both she and Senator Obama run for the presidential race together, no one is really sure how far it is away from reality. Clinton though, also made clear that she would be person at the top of the ticket. What probably hinders this combo is the Bill. With Hillary as President, Bill would be a virtual Vice-President, leaving Obama to play third fiddle.
With McCain having been chosen as the official nominee of the Republican Party, the Dems need to put their act together and decide on one. It is very clear at this juncture that neither candidate is going to make it to the 2025 delegate count on the basis of just pledged delegates. Many articles claim a numerical impossibility of Clinton, making it through. With the last big states being Pennsylvania on April 22nd, N.Carolina on May 6th with 190 and 140 delegates respectively, I think it will boil down all the way to Puerto Rico on June 7th. Till then the Dems will be splurging all their money attacking each other, while McCain will watch in amusement. 

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